The Institute Bookshelf

Recommended titles for practitioners and students

The Institute of Podiatrists are excited and proud to have commissioned 2 dynamic and important handbooks written specifically by way of an introduction to the foot and as a supportive learning companion. Written by David R Tollafield, a highly experienced podiatry professional and renowned podiatric author.

An introduction to the foot & its common problems in the adult

The challenging subject of foot and lower limb mechanics is admirably clarified and easy to follow in this 180-page paperback, Pocket sized book. Well- illustrated, clear and informative, this book will appeal to podiatrists and foot health practitioners at all levels, whether you are new to the anatomy and workings of the foot or as a reference for reminder. This book will also appeal to other professions and healthcare professionals who have an interest in the foot.

The Foot – a professional learning companion

This companion course, sets out different styles of questions, offering tips for open and closed methods, especially multi-choice options.

Divided into two parts: questions in the first and detailed explanations in the second part. Supporting self-assessment for foot health practitioners and students on university courses, this handy aid helps understand the finer parts of foot health science in eight study areas.