Institute of Podiatrists

We are very excited to announce that the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (IoCP) has been renamed as the Institute of Podiatrists (IoP).

Before 1938, there were over 20 different institutions representing podiatrists, or chiropodists as they were then known.  Over the following years, many organisations unified in order to better represent the interest of chiropodists in the UK . The Institute of Chiropodists (IoC) changed its title in January 1995 to the IoCP to bring the organisation into line with the internationally adopted term ‘podiatry’.

Today, podiatry is the term almost exclusively accepted and used within modern, professional medicine. Its roots ‘pod’ and ‘iatros’ meaning ‘foot’ and ‘physician or healer’ being much more appropriate.

The IoP is incredibly proud and passionate of our founding principles, which support the very best practice and progression within the field of podiatry. We will strive to attain the highest possible standards within education, passionately support the concept of ‘life long learning ‘ for all members, fully embrace democracy and transparency and continue to embrace and develop professional working partnerships for the growth and progress of podiatry throughout 2024 and beyond.

Whilst we make this change it is important to note that ‘chiropody/chiropodist’ continue to be HCPC protected titles and members are welcome to continue using them if they choose to do so.

Members are able to use the new IoP logo on their websites and marketing materials. A copy of this is available in the members area of the website or by emailing, all other policies including copyright and social media apply. Use of our logo is not permitted without written consent.