eIntegrity, a new membership benefit

All members of the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (IOCP) and College of Foot Health can now access eIntegrity’s e-learning resources to support their professional development. Members can use the Statutory and Mandatory Training, DementiaRead more

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Chief Executive’s Newsletter

28th April 2020 Dear Colleagues, As we enter another week in this strange world in which a sub-microscopic bundle of RNA has hijacked Humanity, there are at least some green shoots on the horizon inRead more

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An open letter: Podiatry – A caring profession in the shadows

Open Letter to: The Rt Hon Matt Hancock, MP; Edward Argar, MP; Jo Churchill, MP; Helen Whately, MP; Nadine Dorries, MP; John Barwick, Chief Executive, HCPC; Christine Elliott, Chair HCPC; Suzanne Rastrick, Chief Allied Health ProfessionsRead more

IOCP launch dedicated social sites for the College of Foot Health

Now in its second year, The College of Foot Health Ltd, was established and fully accredited by the UK professional organisation The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists to clearly announce and support the professional statusRead more

IOCP launch free webinars

Whilst the Coronavirus pandemic has changed the ways  in which we are all working, or not in many cases, people around the world are embracing and testing boundaries of modern technology. This is also trueRead more

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IOCP Chief Executive’s open letter to Health Ministers and Professional Leaders

Open Letter to: The Rt Hon Matt Hancock, MP; Edward Argar, MP; Jo Churchill, MP; Helen Whately, MP; Nadine Dorries, MP; John Barwick, Chief Executive, HCPC; Christine Elliott, Chair HCPC; Suzanne Rastrick, Chief Allied Health ProfessionsRead more

IOCP Chief Executive Newsletter – 30th March 2020

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, we as podiatrists, along with other key workers in healthcare face the daily challenges that go with our chosen role. Very often we work in a relatively isolatedRead more

Chief Executives Newsletter (supplement) Tuesday 24th March 2020

Dear Colleague. Your personal responsibilities have already been clearly laid out by Prime Minister Johnson in his address to the nation on Monday evening. Now is also the time to consider your professional roles. AsRead more

IOCP Chief Executive’s Newsletter – 20th March 2020

Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, College of Podiatric Surgeons, College of Foot Health. Dear Colleagues. the Institute Staff and Directors are continuing to work ceaselessly to ensure that we remain in a position to advise,Read more