Introducing you to Community trade union

We are proud to work in partnership with Community trade union, we believe a good modern trade union is not only essential to a positive and safe workplace but more importantly gives self-employed workers likeRead more


The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists would like to congratulate one of our members, Helen Beaumont-Waters on her new position. On 27th October, Helen, a Podiatrist, Advanced Clinical Practitioner in General Practice and paramedic hasRead more

HCPC Policy and Communications

Dear colleague,   As you may be aware the Department of Health and Social Care has launched a consultation concerning proposed amendments to the Human Medicine Regulations. The purpose of these amendments is to supportRead more

English Diabetes Footcare Network

PRESS RELEASE Friday, August 21, 2020   Invitation to join the English Diabetes Footcare Network   Diabetes foot health professionals working in England have been invited to join a new network. The English Diabetes FootcareRead more

NHS bursary and funding if you study in UK

NHS bursary and funding if you study in England For UK-resident students studying at English universities, NHS funding support is provided by the Learning Support Fund. In February 2020, the government confirmed extra financial supportRead more

Common medication for the Podiatrist & Foot Health professional

By Kevin Watts BSc(Hons) RN, BSc(Hons), BSc(Hons), MInstChP, Dip Pod Med. Member of the Institute of Chiropodists & Podiatrists Podiatrist & Nurse   Background As practitioners who care for the lower limb and associated structures,Read more

Weekly Wednesday Webinar

During the coronavirus lockdown we held twice weekly free CPD webinars for both members and non-members, with the aim to continue to provide valuable learning and to create a sense of community whilst we wereRead more

FHC Statement IOCP Logo v2

Stepping up to the challenge

Up to 80% of the population are estimated to need the services of either an NHS or private podiatrist at some stage of their life, to deal with health problems of the feet. Whilst partsRead more

IOCP Visors

Dear members, We have sourced some protective visors for your use. The visors are being printed by students in Hertfordshire using 3D printers. The students are creating the visors for frontline staff who cannot obtain,Read more

FHC Statement IOCP Logo v2

IOCP statement on working during COVID-19

The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists Position Statement    Since the lockdown began, Chiropody and Podiatry services have been exempt from premises closure and it may be reasonable to assume that exemption holds for domiciliaryRead more